
The ONDRP publishes short and longer studies, as well its annual report exploiting the national victimisation survey "Living Environment and Security". All studies are published in French and some of them are translated in English.


This collection is composed of short studies (2 pages) offering insights on specific crimes, criminal justice responses, and other safety issues. Data may come from administrative sources or the national victimisation survey "Living Environment and Security".

La Note

This collection is composed of short studies (4 pages) offering topical insights on a theme that has already been analysed in longer studies. Data may come from administrative sources or the national victimisation survey "Living Environment and Security".

Grand Angle

This collection is composed of longer and unprecedented studies based on new or preexisting data. Data may come from operational services, the national victimisation survey "Living Environment and Security", or other sources.


This collection is composed of longer studies, though shorther than the Grand Angle, offering circumstancial or cartographic analyses.

Annual report

In compliance with the decree n°2015-1213 of the 1st of October 2015, the ONDRP publishes an annual report in order to present the analyses conducted during the year.

Since 2017, the annual report Victimation et perceptions de la sécurité: Résultat de l'enquête Cadre de vie et sécurité presents the main results of the national victimisation survey, regarding offences against the person and proprety, as well as fear of crime. This report is published in December, based on data collected by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) at the beginning of the year. 

Before 2017, the annual report used to included thematic studies. These studies are now published separately in the other collections.

Books and peer-reviewed articles

The ONDRP also aims to compare collected data and criminological theories, notably those developed in France and English-speaking countries, in order to provide a better understanding on crime, criminal justice, and safety issues. This may lead to publications in books and peer-reviewed journals.

  • d'Arbois de Jubainville, H. (2020). Paris. In V. Ceccato, & A. Loukaitou-Sideris (Eds.), Transit Crime and Sexual Violence in Cities: International Evidence and Prevention. Routledge. Available online.
  • d'Arbois de Jubainville, H. (2018). Collecting data on crime and perceptions of insecurity across Europe. In A. T. Barabas (Ed.), The Dimensions of Insecurity in Urban Areas: research on the Roots of Unsafety and Fear of Crime in European Cities (pp. 83-94). OKRI. Available online.
  • d'Arbois de Jubainville, H., & Vanier, C. (2017). Women's avoidance behaviours in public transport in the Île-de-France region. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 19(3-4), 183-198. Available online.
  • Newton, A., Loukaitou-Sideris, A., d'Arbois de Jubainville, H., Norgaard, J., Huang, D., & Solymosi, R. (2020). Precautions and Responses. In V. Ceccato, & A. Loukaitou-Sideris (Eds.), Transit Crime and Sexual Violence in Cities: International Evidence and Prevention. Routledge. Available online.
  • Ouimet, M., Langlade, A., & Chabot, C. (2018). The dynamic theory of homicide: Adverse social conditions and formal social control as factors explaining the variations of the homicide rate in 145 countries. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 60(2), 241-265. Available online.
  • Sourd, A., & Delbecque, V. (2018). The role of security devices against burglaries: Findings from the French victimisation survey. In A. Tseloni, R. Thompson, & N. Tilley (Eds.), Reducing Burglary. Springer. Available online
  • Vanier, C., & d'Arbois de Jubainville, H. (2017). Feeling unsafe in public transport: A profile analysis of female users in the Parisian region. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 19(3-4), 251-263. Available online.
  • Vanier, C., & d'Arbois de Jubainville, H. (2018). Unsafe feeling on French public transport: Anxiety-provoking situations and avoidance strategies. In A. T. Barabas (Ed.), The Dimensions of Insecurity in Urban Areas: research on the Roots of Unsafety and Fear of Crime in European Cities (pp. 145-167). OKRI. Available online.